Mike Weiner
Lori Landin
Lori Landin was born in Kansas and currently resides in California.
She is a Visionary, Philanthropist, and an International Speaker.
Lori is the Founder of THE LORI LANDIN FOUNDATION: a global non-profit organization serving those in need worldwide.
Tagline: Bringing nations together... in service, in unity, and in love.
Process: Reaching out to the one... in their unique need. Serving Individuals, families, and organizations. Helping meet their needs, helping them become self-reliant, and want to give back.
She travels around the world - saving lives (medical, food, water, rescue+), transforming lives, educating, providing opportunities, and serving those in need in a variety of ways.
Lori is the Director of Networking for NRG (Network Referral Group): a Premier Local, National, & International Networking Organization where she serves Entrepreneurs and Business Owners. She is "Second in Command" to the CEO of the networking organization.
Lori is the CEO of LORI LANDIN EVENTS where she hosts benefit concerts, performances, and a variety of events, both online and in-person, across the country to raise awareness and funding for her Foundation. She often partners with business owners to create events where they gain awareness as well as the foundation.
Lori is also a Board-Certified Health Coach, an Optimal Life Designer, a Certified Challenge Consultant (for business marketing), a Certified Essential Oil Coach, and the FOUNDER of THE GIVING HEART MOVEMENT (a global movement based on kindness and giving).
She has a master degree in music conducting and extensive experience in music and theatre as a Conductor, Educator, Mentor, Performer, and Director. She has not only taught and conducted in the schools-as a Performing Arts Teacher, but also in the church, and in the community.
Lori has had her own businesses as a Teacher/Director/Performer of the performing arts. Her experience spans all ages and all levels.
She has performed as a singer in Carnegie Hall, Notre Dame Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and many other beautiful places around the world.
Lori was blessed to serve as the Musical Director & Conductor for the Oakland Temple Pageant for 4 years. (A major musical theatre production in the Bay Area)
She also founded and conducted an Institute Choir, various youth choirs, College and Adult Choirs, and trained 400 of 6000 youth who performed at Arco Arena.
Lori was awarded "The ARTY AWARD" for Best Musical Director in Solano County and, as a Performing Arts Teacher, received "THE TEACHER WHO MAKES A DIFFERENCE AWARD" for the Placer County High School District.
Lori has taught every class in Music and every class in Theatre including, Instrumental (Orchestra, Band, Jazz Band, Drumline, Piano, Guitar, Marching Band, Concert Band, Private Instruction on all instruments, etc.), Vocal/Choral (Choir, Jazz Choir, Show Choir, Private Voice, etc.), Music History, Music Appreciation, Music Theory, Music Composition, Choreography, Tech Theatre, All levels of Drama, and much more.
She was honored to be the Guest Conductor for the CMEA (California Music Educators Assoc.) Honor Orchestra, the Chorus Master for the Opera Theatre at California State University Sacramento (CSUS), the Opera Theatre Supertitles Operator (CSUS), and she assisted in teaching the Instrumental Conducting Classes (CSUS).
She has directed numerous plays, musical theatre productions, choirs/show choirs, bands, and orchestras from beginning to advanced/professional levels. She also has conducted various honor choirs, bands, and orchestras.
Lori is the head Musical Director for the singers of the Solano Chamber Chorus Society as they begin to pave the path forward for music and performance in Solano County and surrounding areas.
She is about to Launch a new Performance Company and she is also partnering with others as she speaks, trains, and serves business owners and entrepreneurs across the globe. She has partnered with Mike Weiner in launching THE MIKE AND LORI SHOW.
She is often interviewed on podcasts and tv shows for her knowledge, experience, expertise, and skillsets.
Lori has recently been blessed to partner with athletes, coaches, business owners, celebrities, and filmmakers.
She is honored to be a partner and part of the production team for Rising Tides, a Docu-Series, that is being filmed and is being gifted in part through royalties to her foundation to bless those she serves worldwide. Our missions have come together as we work to bring awareness and help others see the importance of community and lifting one another... Rising Together.
Sales / Marketing / Networking / Philanthropy / Bootcamps / and more!
2025 Lori Landin
All Rights Reserved
Text: Cell/WhatsApp
Mike Weiner: +1-443-756-9656
Lori Landin: +1-916-660-2039